35640-90美國Oakton DO450溶氧儀 手持便攜式溶解氧測量儀
消除昂貴的,煩人的膜和溶液用于工廠和現場應用的堅固的、ip67級的外殼內存為500個數據集和USB和rs - 232輸出,轉到PC機500小時的電池壽命,或可選的通用電源適配器內置的壁掛支架可以方便的測量或儲存
450米采用光學測量技術提供快速響應時間和長期穩定性,zui小維護。再加上自動溫度補償(ATC)、氣壓補償和鹽度校正,進一步保證測量精度。大的背光液晶顯示了%飽和度或mg / L(ppm)與溫度同步。
The DO 450 meter uses optical measurement technology offeringfast response times and long-term stability with minimal maintenance. Plus automatic temperature compensation (ATC), barometric pressure compensation, and salinity correction to further ensure measurement accuracy. The large, backlit LCD lets you view % saturation or mg/L (ppm) simultaneously with temperature.
美國Oakton DO450溶氧儀 進口DO450手持便攜式溶解氧測量儀
Rugged, IP67-rated waterproof housing makes the meter ideal for plant or field testing. Additional features include ready (stability) indicator, smart averaging, hold function, calibration alarm, and battery-life indicator.
Perform data logging with manual or timed collection of up to 500 data sets with real-time clock time/date stamp. Order optional data cables for USB and RS-232 connectivity.
What's included: DO 450 meter, RDO probe (35640-56), RDO sensor cap (35640-51), RDO probe weight (35640-59), calibration chamber, hard-sided carrying case, and two AA batteries.
美國Oakton DO450溶氧儀 進口DO450手持便攜式溶解氧測量儀